Tuesday 17/09/2024

Last night uhh bought migg deep, it was pretty funny. hopefully we do more than just george tonight
I started another gale, uhh cbow so yeah, saltchemist but hopefully i'll look more into it
got 7/8 alchemy tals so its practically mostly there, peng's gonna give me a tenner so thats like another uhh
10? 11? somewhere about that ballpark, I need a vesp and tiran again
cbow salt is probably a crazy build, not as good as terminus but hopefully I can put in the work
with Linjection i'll just make heal, regen and speed, then just have throwing ones on hand.
no idea how the salts work or how to prog but ill just do the do when i get to it
uhhh need to grab ghost but thats just a rare away, need more rares as a whole
i got what like 30 more cards to go? 40? i got time
If I can get some good builds for pvp and pve that are elemental i'll prob have a good time
i need to prog that kamas build, i need to get it out of my storage
if we can get a messhall to it'll be a life saver, I do love the meat lord tho
i should prob voidproof the build and grab manor but whatever
real mad they removed gbases on walker but whatever
the only stuff I need to do tonight is have my physics hw done and my comp sci work done
both'll take 30, not too bad, hopefully i wont crash when I get home
uhhh coffee is so cool I love coffee, the world needs more coffee, i need more coffee
i wanna listen to aes now but im enjoying megadeth uhh
itd be so funny if aes shredded
anyways yeah so I need a good shadow build to go with, maybe ill do the salt again
I do need myself that ironsing build done again.
if I can get a crusher again ill bring back sergei
i hope thunder'll be fun agian, I guess if that doesnt work out ill just do stormseye
med rifles would be cool, I'd love to make a rifle spear build but whatevs
i mean as an attless it'd prob be really good for sheart,
I really need to do netzach vesti but im bored of flamecharm
i mean flamecharm is awesome but ive done so many of them and they never live like ever
i do also want a sheart med katana but i guess ill just do that with the riflespear and everything
85 80 gale was awesome especially with purple cloud, would def do again
bguh I should probably do maestro on all my builds just to get all the weaps in my bank
i mean ill also hustle bones and do ignition base for like a few hrs at some point for money for the base

this weekend ill get a start on my game again, sat ill start programming the fps script just as a whole
it wont be hard to get the basics down but getting what I really want is going to take a while
movement shooters are kinda niche afterall, but i'll get it really started, hopefully my friends'll want to test it
TEAR THE NIGHT is coming BACK baybee!!! but yeah
I'll probably use it for my EPQ for testing if I can get it done somewhat fast for a map maker
if I can grab a design doc for halflife 1, 2 and tf2, csgo, titanfall2 and maybe some other games I dont like, like OW
I can use that to make reasonable assumptions, put them to the test, take demos from the server of everyones' inputs then just
compile it into video, find where people tended to go, where they enjoyed going, where people got the most kills, anything one sided etc
i think I'll have some payload based objs stolen kinda from OW and TF2 ill just merge dustbowl and like some ow maps together to make a map
it'll be somewhat sim to both, I'll keep it somewhat open and I'll make sure to include generally testing for how weapons interact with maps
really to understand what is considerably "gamebreaking" and what remains fair and balanced by casual and competitive esque matches
whether people can stand certain types of weapons or maps in more intense matches and how much people tend to care about winning or having fun
I think fixx'll be a great guinea pig, same for ride, theyll both have the opposite ideas of what fun is yet get along perfectly
i guess ill grab valk and mark too, both'll have ideas on how fun should be and what can be competed and whats not, especially since mark and ride well
were around for those tourneys I ran, they werent great but they were good fun especially for the tools I actually had
so yeah, I guess if I ever make a game like an RPG i'll definitely take good inspiration from deep's system, it allows great fun in just, building
I know myself to hate building but it really did just work, thank god for deepwoken.co/builder my savior
but I'll put the fighting game on slight hold as I need the FPS game needs to be somewhat done
I can def use the fps game as a test, I think that the video can count as an artefact, i should really make a des doc so I can link it
I'll enjoy it if I can get it done, not like it'll be too hard really because it's just an FPS
people underestimate how difficult it is to make a proper good controller but once its done it pumps the game from 0 to 100 instantly
my dad once said about how easy it is to make an FPS because all the controllers you could ever want is already done but like it just isnt
like playing COD and having it be almost 0 fun because of how horribly the characters moved, like all terrible cheap dime a dozen FPSs on steam
compare it to Titanfall 2 or even just Tf2 it's apparent how much the controls really do matter, I really want something fast that can stil be
yknow, proper team game. I think the plan for this should be:

Keep the chars a bit slower than titanfall 2, allow for some interesting shenanigans but make sure they cant zip from side to side roaming
like being able to do full map in one grapple shouldnt be allowed, I want lots of movement but not too much, I do need to make my own ideas tho
after that i'll provide defensive and team capabilities along with anti air weaponry/abilities, nothing too crazy
I mostly just need a tank, a medic and an engineer, then 2 roamers then a long ranged guy.
all of them have consistent range and abilities but you dont need all of them to win. i think it'll work just fine to translate into 1p
I was thinking an A=wall similar thing for the tank, I think a moving shield of some sort makes the most sense
Engineer is just going to have a missile backpack, dude is going to just shoot rockets and plant stuff no senties tho, not a fan
Medic is probably going to have either building like stuff which needs to be planted to work as points, or theyll have a healing ranged wep
i don't want to gut it's offensive caps tho, that always sucks and only in like tf2 is it proper fun anyways
i'll probably nerf it compared to the rest but just scrap the complete lack of ranged weapons like ow's best
Tachyon'll have dashes and leaps, allowing for clean boosts and such. I'll keep slidehops especially for this guy
he'll prob have the most tech overall, full off caps but ill probably gut the long range aspect forcing for decisive play
Long range'll prob have gutted Arifles but i'll give it light cloaking and dodging and such, I'll make sure they cant stand still for long
ooh this is a good idea, what if the stuff which buffs you is regen'd from moving dodging and hitting with the sniper, it'd gut camping
Other roamer'll probably have grappling and some basic stuff, he'll be simple or I'll just cut him. maybe i'll make him into a trapper of some sort
Trappers do have a place in movement shooters, its an odd one but its still there, satchels, tripwires and more manual stuff'd be fun
I definitely want to have good difference in weapons and how they interact with the environment:
there'll be a basic; Arifle, Smg, Pistol and Shotgun
I'll steal projectile shotuns
something like the EPG
have a Semi Auto of some sort it just needs something fun with it
I just need to brainstorm ideas for like cooler weaps
I have a cold war like gun planned but Im not really sure what to do with it, the design is cool tho that I drew forever ago
No auto aims like the autopistol, those sucked to fight against
I might give one of them a sword which has a huge windup but one shots, it'll just require planning and placement to work
more ambushy than demoknight or anything.
Since I wont have awesome robots i am gutting half the playerbase that I could sell to but this is more of just a project.
maybe the tank'll have similar movement to ronin or something. I do need fast but tanky combat to work.
I can look at higher level heavies from tf2 for insp it'll probably give me the best ideas of them all when it comes to how to help them pos
I really dont need too many weapons just some fair mods, i'll look at PDTH's selection for good ideas
I dont want too many auto rifles, i'll prob take insp from TF2s shotgun list to have good selections
I'll prob inc. a shot to air buff and anti air rockets etc as possibilities
I do just want to make everything look as awesome as humanly possible. unlike how 90% of Titanfall's selection is just
hey lets play grapple or stim, everything else sucks! because theres so much less content pilot wise
I'll prob have 2-3 guns in each section just for a Low firerate - low spread to high firerate - high spread to low fire - high dmg - high spread
etc, I just need to get the basics down of each section, I'll prob have a low bit of randomspread for shotguns, less than tf2 higher than titfall2
Projectiles and Shotguns should be the focus for ttk so I'll have to nerf the autos and buff reloadspeed so theres bursts and breaks
bursts is probably the way to go to force decisionmaking rather than just relying on aim and ok movement to dodge
if I can base dodging slightly in abilities, slow down the frontlines, speed up the flanks and emphasise teamwork it'll be perfect
i only really hope for 2-3 of these initially but to get the rest down over time, it wont be crazy hard but it'll require due work
cpt jeremiah is a cool idea i think from before, some dude who just ditches his suit and beats up the robots pretty easy
having an iron sight sniper and a sword is just so cool, I need to have a messer one way or another
I def need to not forget about my old party idea, it'd probably actually sell if I spent time on it
I'll probably buff ground accel, nerf wall accel, buff ability accel but nerf grapple
I'll need to make the frontlines be open but with ways to cover so that you can escape, more than 2 on each side because that allows easy camping
I'll need ways to let a push be shutdown by good teamwork (and saved by ditto), using rockets and wellplaced shots, then shields and healing etc
the flanks need to be much more closed and open depending on the frontline and how close it is, opening as you go out but closed towards the middle
i'll definitely focus on more hallway based combat but im not putting the ceiling so low, it'll be mostly nearly destroyed buildings
I'll keep the half sci fi lab feel and the dustbowl sci fi feel. The robots need cloth and such
customisation'll be low and such but not too low, to save the opener maps it'll need the outlines to be buffed a bit but i'll have some team colours etc
if I can get team distinct char designs that'd be even cooler to have diff suits and mechs depending on the company, its what made old cods so cool
like having more rectangle feeling, sharp robots in darker colours for the anti comp
having the campaign's comp have more relaxed designs, more like the titanfall2 pilots for the players usual side
I'll probably increase the cloth on the anti, decrease it for the campaign guys
Idk if making the anti designs feel more eastern like middle east would feel odd but i think the cloth'd work like banished knight type A
I think I could experiment with map destruction/map changes mid match by pulling levers etc to force changes
nothing on the scale of bf4 or anything but still enough of a change to change how you have to defend/offend
it'd probably change where the objective goes and the ways to get there, no idea if it'd be fun or not

for more specific ideas for baselines abilities:
Tank: Shield, Shoulder Bash Grounded Dashes, debuff charges using EMP like grenades
Healing: Basically a dispenser, slightly charged healing shot, buff to teammates movement, maybe a teleport
Tachyon: Charged Strong leap, Air Dash, Jump Grenades that act like tf2 rockets
Sniper: Movement Charged Cloak, Grapple, further zoom and higher accuracy
Trapper: Satchel, Tripwires for sight, Throwing Knives
thats about all the ideas that are just in my head for no reason,
I think they have places in the game, the tank needs work tho

I think for gamemods the ones I kinda have planned are:
Objectives to hack
TDM ofcourse
an Attrition Like mode if I can get 1p done after the others
and KOTH
Thats all it really needs, like ever
it'd be pretty cool if you had to hack the PCs yourself but thatd req me to make a system for it and also a good tutorial
so maybe not you know
It does need a soundtrack tho so I will be making something when its done
I think a lot of the feel of the game will be that of Super Fluke- Aes, just the hard hitting but smooth backing it has
it wont be too hard to write some basic stuff for different parts, I might get some proper guitar and stuff selectable etc
ill just throw random things together but the whole feel of the game really does mentally feel like the grey colours and super fluke
I love desolate dystopian esque sci fi settings but it does just need proper work to feel like it's actually well made
i have my old ideas somewhere, its gonna be a bit hard to find but I do remember Pandaemonium for one of the gun companies
ill prob have the outlines be selectable colours so that people can decide whats easiest for them to see but default'll prob be
orange/blue, I do love teal so ill see if I can make it work but i might just make that a diff thing